Where to start?
Our place has several gardening areas - One to the left side in the back, that has already been fenced around. We're planning to use that as the initial "big" garden. I'm discovering each day how many more plants we'll need to sustain us for the year. Not sure what I was thinking when I first dreamed about doing this, but the reality of the actual QUANTITY of plants needed is a tiny bit overwhelming. I'm going to start where I am today. I can do this. Haha!
There are five raised beds here - along the driveway. This is where I'm going to start. It's a little late in the season, but we are in Zone 7B so we have a long growing season. This is what it looked like before I started.
No idea what the condition of this soil is, so I've added manure as a "first step". I am concerned that I saw so few worms when I was working this manure into the soil. Hopefully this helps!
Done with the first bed! Here is our little pepper garden. There is NO way this is enough for us for a year, but I was anxious to get something in the ground! This is it! We have a nice variety of peppers and the back left corner is a cherry tomato plant that the Hubs grabbed thinking it was a pepper plant. Haha. It was in the "pepper" section and he didn't realize. No biggie. The next bed over is going to be TOMATOES!
Also started a small herb garden today. Hopefully, it will thrive enough to get us through this summer. I'll be adding to it as we go along. For now, this is it.