The Great Escape
This morning I noticed that the chickens were walking back and forth along the side of their run area, all the while squawking away. I looked closer and saw something black. As I looked closer, I realized it was an escaped piggy!
I have no idea how she got out! No obvious routes of escape on the fence. Fence opening closed. Fence electric on……… or was it?
Turns out the solar system was not working! The system was on and hooked up properly, but no juice! I moved the solar panel so it was facing the morning sun, and decided to keep an eye on it throughout the day.
Luckily, our piggy’s are just that…piggy’s! I grabbed a bowl of feed and she came running, and followed me right back into her pen! What a good girl she is!
After the capture, I fed and watered the chickens and checked on my broody girl. I’m getting worried. If none of the chicks have hatched by the weekend, we will have to force her off the eggs and get rid if them. She’ll be heartbroken! I am not expecting any babies at this point, but I do hope she starts a new clutch and tries again. Best case scenario is that our chickens hatch and raise their own young. We want the animals to act naturally. If they don’t, we’ll try a new set of hens.
As I was checking on Momma Hen, I saw this super cool garden spider on the side of the coop. Gorgeous! I don’t mind garden spiders, but I am not a fan of indoor spiders, especially the brown recluse. I’m currently dealing with a brown recluse bite. Fingers crossed that it heals without damage to my leg!
Hope everyone has an amazing day! I know I will!!