A little more
Every day is an adventure. Not just here at our place - but for everyone. Our current adventure is a bit more fun than anticipated!
Yesterday I spent my "hour" in the front garden, working on getting the weeds out. Let me tell you, if you have poke weed - get it out quick and early!
These weeds are taller than I am (5'10") and when I first started digging them up, I was having trouble getting the shovel under them. Now I know why!
The roots on these suckers are incredible!
While many sources suggest the use of pokeweed, medicinally, please understand that all parts of the pokeweed plant are TOXIC. That includes the berries.
There is some research that suggests poultices made from the root of the plant may help with aches and pains, swelling and the like, I would recommend you discuss any potential use with a trained professional. Alternative medicines are very effective, but I am NOT an expert and would not use any plant or herb without the proper education and expertise.
All that being said, part of this journey is learning what each plant could be useful for, and so far, the only thing I would feel comfortable using pokeweed for, is for inks and dyes (another traditional use).
If you'd like more information about the past uses of pokeweed, you can learn more at VeryWellHealth.com
For now, it's going into the compost pile, but here's how to create ink from the berries. I would recommend not using this ink for any archival projects, as the ink is light sensitive and fades over time.
- Collect about one cup of pokeberries. Smash them into pulp by hand using a mortar and pestle, or with a fork in a bowl. Strain the pulp, using cheesecloth into a bowl.
- Into the bowl, add ½ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon vinegar, and stir.
- Pour your ink into a glass storage jar with a screwcap
- Store in a cool, dry place. Use as you would watercolor ink, thinning if necessary.
- Add the pulp to your compost pile or throw away. Please remember this is toxic to both humans and animals. Don't even give it to your chickens.