The Holidays

Another Christmas successfully executed! Seemed like there was so much going on and everything sped by! Jason and I had Covid the week and a half before Christmas. My parents were sick too. My Dad had Covid and then had a back issue. We had to move our Christmas dinner from my house to her house (we couldn't get Daddy or Great Nanny to travel - with back issues and Covid!) so we made a quick change to the location and everything worked out perfectly!

With all the last minute issues and changes, it would have been easy to get down about the planned festivities. Instead, we had a wonderful Christmas together. Jason and I were talking about what we really loved about the holidays. It's being with our family and sharing with them. It's not any less Christmas if you don't have a huge meal or lots of gifts. Mom didn't get her house decorated the way she wanted, we didn't make all of our traditional menu items, Jake and Bri were only able to stop by for a short time (it's her families Christmas this year - meaning she and Jake spend Christmas Day with her parents because they live far away. Next year, they'll spend Christmas Day with us), Daddy wasn't able to join us for dinner and gifts (he was in bed, barely able to move and heavily sedated) but we still had a wonderful day. The food we made was delicious, the family all laughed and enjoyed each other. We were able to have Abe's family over and it was wonderful.

NOTE: Diana and Abe won the Gingerbread contest by default. We didn't get ours made, and my poor brother, Paul, DROPPED his as he was getting it ready to transport! Oy! On the other hand, Diana and Abe's house was BEAUTIFUL and epic!

As an added bonus, our dear friends, Wayne and Rhonda were able to stop overnight, and for a few hours, it felt like we still lived close by each other. We fell into our natural rhythms and had laughs and just enjoyed being together. What a blessing!

To make sure the adventure continues - we woke up to no electricity. We have a well for our water, so no electric means no water (the pump is electric). So I welcomed them this morning to the "Worst Hotel Ever". No electric, no water, no coffee, no breakfast, no showers....Haha! It's always exciting around here! The electric came back on a few hours later, so we managed to get our day started, just a little later than planned, and it didn't put a damper on the visit (I hope! Haha)!

I hope your Holidays were great, and if everything wasn't perfect, please don't worry about it. It's still a wonderful time of the year to spend time with those you love.

I am a believer in bringing in the new year with a clean slate, so we take our tree down before the 1st of January. That's what I'll be working on this week. I'm also still working on a crochet blanket project and thinking about my Spring garden. I'll share the plans as we go.

In the meantime, I'll be sitting by the fire and thinking about what we hope to accomplish in the next year.

Best wishes!


Flower Day!


What a day! And dressing!