So many weeds…
This is a picture of the front of my house. As you can see, there are a ton of weeds and they are massive! No shame. This is what it is right now. I’ve started working on clearing the beds, but this is going to take time.
I’m pulling them instead of weed-whacking them. I’d like to try and use this bed for a cutting garden and the weeds have to go! Preferably, permanently! Haha! (A girl can dream, right?).
My Momma gave me a tip that has served me well. When there’s an overwhelming job to do, just set a timer - work hard - then stop when the timer goes off, and work on it again after a break. That’s my approach with this mess!
I am alternating days inside and out. Since I currently have a bazillion boxes to unload and an entire house to set up, I will work one day inside and the next outside. Setting my timer, and then moving on to normal daily chores. It takes as long as it takes!